
What is the fine you will receive and what will you need to

1. Firstly you need to read: Providing quakily feedback. A good practice guide (University of SA)-


Using the points listed in the article you need to document how you would respond to the following scenario and provide feedback to Margaret (Margaret is the centre cook) in a supportive manner. You need to document your conversation (Outline in 600 words).

Margaret has been working at the Centre for over 20 years. Within that time Standards and legislation within the Food Safety industry have changed and expectations and the job role has increased. Over the last few months you have observed and had other staff comment that Margaret has been snappy and unhelpful.

The feedback they have provided to you is that she comes to work late and that impacts on the serving of morning tea, asks them to do the morning dishes (when it's her allocated role) and serves the lunch in one bowl when you've asked for foods to be served individually (pasta in a bowl, sauce in a separate bowl, cheese in a bowl so children can serve themselves). You have also noticed that the meals each day are the same meals that have been cooked over the last 20 years (Spaghetti Bolognese, pumpkin soup, sandwiches, sausages etc.) and when you suggest she could try a Vegan recipe or some beetroot dip or hummus for afternoon she dismisses as new aged hippy food'. Also you have noticed that the food temperature has not been checked when it has been delivered for the last month and the cleaning is behind.

2. After speaking with Margaret and checking in regularly with her, issues with her Work Performance have not improved. The menu's that are displayed to parents are old menus which you have asked her to update with new recipes. The food audit that was conducted by the local council has come back with some issues (namely recording of products delivered which you had raised before, and mouse poo under the sink). Also there is still some ongoing communication concerns between the other staff and Margaret. Staff are now to scared to go in the kitchen as they feel a little intimated.

From the following scenario we can also see there are some Workplace work performance issues. How will you counsel Margaret and set goals to improve her performance? What if her performance doesn't improve? What are the steps that you might need to follow?

3. You are the Assistant Director and work in the Babies room. Most of the staff are on 'Facebook' and most staff are 'friends' with each other. Recently, staff have 'friended' parents from the Centre. You have noticed that one staff member has been 'posting' stories about how they have 'got very drunk' and then gone to work 'extremely hung over'. You have also noticed that they have been 'posting' blogs about their day at work and how some days the children are 'very annoying' and 'demanding' and that they can't wait to 'get home for a glass of wine.' Snap shots of her day have been mentioned.

How would you manage this situation and what policies and documents would you refer to, to support you in your meeting? What would the process be and what things would be important for you to address and document? To help support your answer you may want to speak to your Director and see how they would handle the situation from start to finish.

4. Name some of the legislation and relevant literature that might underpin centre's policies in regard to Workplace Health and Safety, equal employment opportunities and anti-discrimination in the work place.

a) Where might these points fall within the National Quality Framework and the National Quality Guide?

b) If you were inducting a new staff member - how would you describe these points? What would be important? How could you describe it in language that is understood by the new staff member?

5. Access a copy of the Education and Care Services National Regulations. You are the Director of a Centre in Western Australia. You have just been given a 'Compliance direction for the below regulations that state that your centre has failed to comply with the regulation'. What is the fine you will receive and what will you need to do to ensure your centre is compliant?
• Division 6 99 (2)
• Division 2 - Policies and Procedures -168.
• Subdivision 4 - Confidentiality and storage of records -181.
• Part 4.1 - Educational Program - 75

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Dissertation: What is the fine you will receive and what will you need to
Reference No:- TGS01288808

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