What is the expression for the total rate of evaporation


Resin impregnated tape is drawn through a drying tunnel to remove excess, volatile solvent Capillary action draws the solvent through the tape to its surface maintaining an even coat of solvent across the surface until all the available solvent has evaporated. The drying gas stream is free of any solvent vapor. If the top of the drying tunnel is far enough away from the surface of the tape to appear as an "infinite" boundary for mass flow, what is the expression for the total rate of evaporation at any given time? Gas temperatureT=363{ K}, vapor pressure of solventpW=70{kPa}at363 K, Diffusivity of Solvent in AirDAB=1×10-4{ m2/s}, width of the tapeW1=2{ m}and length of the tunnelLT=15{ m}

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Operation Management: What is the expression for the total rate of evaporation
Reference No:- TGS03289911

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