
What is the expected cd4 count for a patient taking

Cohort question. N= 3182 participants enrolled and 1123 develop hypertension over 4 years. What is the relative risk for hypertension is women 50 plus years versus women less than fifty years of age? 


        Develop hypertension        Do not develop hypertension        Total 

Age 50+        255                 237                492 

Less 50        241                916                1157 

Total            496                1153                1649

What is the relative risk for hypertension in men 50+years versus men less than 50 years?


        Develop hypertension        Do not develop hypertension             Total

Age 50+        283                188                471

Age less than 50    344                718                1062

Total                 627                       906                1533

A study is conducted in patients with HIV. The primary outcome is CD4 cell count which is a measure of the stage of the disease. Lower CD4 is associated with more advanced disease. I'm looking for an association between vitamin and mineral supplements and CD4 count. For the analysis Y=CD4 count. (CD4 count coded as 1=yes, 0=no)

What is the expected CD4 count for a patient taking supplements who has had HIV for 2.5 years?

Whatis the expected CD4 count for a patient not taking the supplements who was diagnosed with HIV at study enrollment? 

What is the expected CD4 count for a patient not taking supplements who had HIV for 2.5 years? 

Cohort study to run estimate the incidence of stroke in persons 55 years of age and older. all participants are free of strokes at study start. Each participant is followed for a max of 5 years. The data summary is:


Number of Strokes in men = 9

Number of stroke free in men in years = 478

Women (n=200)

Number of strokes in women = 21

Number of stroke free in women in years 974

What is the annual incidence rate of stroke in men? Incidence rate ______per 1,000person years

What is the annual incidence rate of stroke in women?

What is the annual incidence rate of stroke men and women combined?

A national survey is conducted to assess the association between hypertension and stroke in persons over 75 years of age with a family history of stroke. Development of stroke is monitored over a 5 year follow up period. The data are summarized and numbers are in millions.

Those with hypertension developed stroke are 12 and those who did not develop stroke are 37.

Those with out hypertension developed stroke are4 and those who did not develop stroke are 26.

Compute cumulative incidence of stroke with persons over 75 of age.

Cumulative incidence 5 years is ___________

Compute the relative risk of stroke in hypertension as compared to non hypertensive persons

Compute the odds ratio of stroke in hypertension as compared to non-hypertensive persons. 

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Mathematics: What is the expected cd4 count for a patient taking
Reference No:- TGS01099951

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