
What is the existing knowledge of the problem



A. What is the problem this study contributes to solve?

a. What is the existing knowledge of the problem?
b. What are the gaps?
c. Why is this gap important? (i.e., rationale for study)?
d. How does this study aim to fill these gaps?

B. The purpose/research question of the study:


A. What is the study Design? (e.g., cross-sectional, experimental, etc)

B. Participants:

a. Who is the study population (inclusion/exclusion criteria)?
b. Why did they choose this sample?
c. How did they recruit them?

C. Procedures:

a. summarize what they had the participants do. You may use pictures, bullet points, numbers, etc.

D. Measures & Variables: List each variable, if it was an independent or dependent variable, and how it was measured.

E. What was their method of "control", if any? If no control, why might this be?


A. Briefly summarize what they found for each research question. Just list KEY results.


A. List any key comparisons to other studies. Were there any threats to internal and external validity? (i.e., was there something that the study did not account for that may have "contaminated" their results?)

B. Study limitations

C. Study strengths


A. Overall, summarize what this study "adds".

B. What new questions did this study bring for future research?

C. Overall thoughts and questions you have...(no wrong answers)

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Other Subject: What is the existing knowledge of the problem
Reference No:- TGS03240323

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