
What is the evidence to support the version of the story


Conspiracy Theories: Uncovering the Truth Research Paper

1) Compose a research paper following the structure below (minimum 2-3 total typed pages)

2) Incorporate information from a minimum of 4 sources (at least two supporting the conspiracy theory and 2 debunking/disproving the conspiracy theory). Cite sources using MLA and in-text citations.


A. Introduction

a. Hook (attention-getting device such as a quote or statistic)
b. Preview the topic (Conspiracy theory) and three points (thesis statement)

B. The Original Story

a. What is the popularly-believed version of the story (event or idea)
b. What is the evidence to support this version of the story?

C. The Conspiracy Theory

a. Explain why the original story is/was in question.
b. Who came up with the conspiracy theory or how did it originate?
c. For those who believe the theory, what is their "proof" or evidence?

D. Uncovering the Truth

a. After researching the popularly-believed version of the story and the conspiracy theory, what do you believe to be the truth and why?
b. Were you able to find evidence to debunk the conspiracy theory?

E. Conclusion

a. Restate the topic and three points
b. Solid ending.

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Reference No:- TGS03354821

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