
What is the ethical thing for mary to do is is the same

Business Law

Book: Business Law by James F. Morgan

Review Questions and Problems

The courts of Arizona adopted the doctrine of employment at will, meaning that an employer generally can terminate an employee for any reason or no reason at all. ABC Grocery Company mangagement asked Mary, a twenty-five year employee in the accounting department of ABC Grocery, to make certain statements to a grand jury looking into a contract that existed between ABC Grocery and the local prison. Statements made to the grand jusry are under oath. If anyone lies under oath, the commit the crime of perjury. Mary reviews the statement that she is asked to deliver and indicates that there are many aspects of te document that are untrue. ABC Grocery states that either she tells the grand jury waht is stated in the document or she is fired. What is the ethical thing for Mary to do? Is is the same action the law requires? What about Mary facing the possibility of being terminated? Should the law act to protect Mary so that she does not lose her job, i.e., through the creation of an exception to at-will employment?

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Business Management: What is the ethical thing for mary to do is is the same
Reference No:- TGS02498394

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