
What is the ethical dilemma in this case what are the

David is a recently graduated mechanical engineer who is hired in anaircraft producing company. He is specialized is designing the aircraft fuel tank system and related wiring connectors. David in this company is working as a trainee engineer and under the supervision of two safety engineers. After working for a few months, he noticed that that his designs are approved directly without being reviewed carefully by safety engineers.David was asked to work overtime to complete a large aircrafts order received by this company recently. The company now will produce aircrafts in large volume in a short period of time. Under the pressure of overtime work to complete this order, and the idea that projects are not reviewed by safety engineers, all this increased David’s worries and concerns of making a mistake and put thousands of people at risk.

In efforts to relieve his worries, David talked to one of the safety engineers and expressed his concern about safety. The safety engineer told David not worry too much because of the following facts:

1- Aircrafts is ordered by a country which doesn’t comply with international safety standards.
Therefore, no need to increase safety measures during production.

2- Design review should not be an issue because aircraft will be used in another country. In addition, the safety engineers don’t have a time to review projects due to work overload.

What David should do in this situation considering that this work is his first chance, and safety is an important factor in aircraft design?

Answer the following question:

1- What is the ethical dilemma in this case?
2- What are the ethical and/or moral obligations of David as aircraft engineer (write four obligations )?
3- What are the ethical issues involved in this case? Hint: Think of Moral/Ethical obligation in Question2

Actions that have the potential to help or harm otherswithout justifications/illegally
Any negative impact of project, action, or decision

4- (EthicalFramework):
What Engineer A should do in this case based on NSPE code of ethics – Use two Canons?

Hint: Example (this is a general answer form - don’t use in this case): David should be honest in his work based on NSPE Canon No. 5.

5- (MoralFramework):
What Engineer A should do in this case based on Moral beliefs (religion, social, custom, personal..etc.) ? (Use two moral beliefs)

6- (PreventiveEthics):
What could be UNETHICAL or IMROAL behavior in this case (Choose one)?

7- IsDavid’scompanyconsideredavalue-drivenorcompliance-based?

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Other Subject: What is the ethical dilemma in this case what are the
Reference No:- TGS0788455

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