Assignment task: A company called conducted A/B testing to evaluate the effectiveness of the search engine ads. More specifically, consumers who searched the keywords "E-Shop" are randomly assigned into two groups based on their IP address:
No-Ads group: the paid link does not appear in the search results;
Ads group: the paid link appears on the top of the search results. When the potential customer clicks the sponsored link of, has to pay $0.6 to Google per click.
After a month, found that the No-Ads group contribute $1 million in gross profit.
In the Ads group, 600,000 consumers clicked the paid link. Once the customer lands on, the probability of making a purchase is 10%. On average, E-Shop gets $20 profit per customer from the goods sold when the customer makes a purchase.
What is the estimated marketing return on investment (MROI) of conducting search engine ads on Google?
(Here MROI = Incremental Profit Generated because of Ads / Cost of Ads * 100%)