What is the equilibrium in the intermediate run where in

(a) In the analysis of the example in section 8.3, we worked through the long-run equilibrium supply curve of pfillip for the case where the price of kapitose depends on kapitose demand by pfillip consumers: The price q of kapitose is K/200, where K is pfillip industry demand for kapitose as a factor of production. Suppose demand for pfillip is given by D(p) = 400 - lOOp. What is the long-run equilibrium? (This should be very easy.)

(b) Suppose demand for pfillip is given by D(p) = 750 - 150p. What is the long-run equilibrium? (You will probably need to resort to numerical calculations, both here and throughout the rest of the problem.)

(c) Suppose demand for kapitose begins at D(p) = 400 - lOOp, and the long-run equilibrium you computed in (a) is reached. Then, suddenly, demand for pfillip changes to D(p) = 750 - lSOp. What is the new short­ run equilibrium, where in the short run firms cannot enter; or leave the industry and cannot change their levels of kapitose utilization. (Once again, this is very easy, given what is in the text.)

(d) Continuing from (c), what is the equilibrium in the intermediate run, where in the intermediate run firms cannot enter or leave the industry but can change their levels of kapitose and legume utilization.

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Microeconomics: What is the equilibrium in the intermediate run where in
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Anonymous user

5/9/2016 12:49:01 AM

For the following Microeconomics numerical problem, by solving and showing the whole process; provide solution to each part. Q1. In the assessment, we worked via the long-run equilibrium supply curve of pfillip for the case in which the price of kapitose based on kapitose demand via pfillip consumers: The price q of kapitose is K/200, in which K is pfillip industry demand for kapitose as a factor of production. Assume demand for pfillip is provided by D(p) = 400 - l00p. Determine the long-run equilibrium? Q2. Assume that demand for pfillip is provided by D(p) = 750 - 150p. Determine the long-run equilibrium? Q3. Assume that demand for kapitose begins at D(p) = 400 – l00p, and the long-run equilibrium you calculated in (a) is reached. Then, all of a sudden, demand for pfillip changes to D(p) = 750 - lSOp. Determine the new short­ run equilibrium, in which in the short run firms can’t enter; or leave the industry and can’t change their levels of the kapitose use.