
What is the endnote and definition of a respirable fiber

Industrial Hygiene Recognition of Hazards

Laboratory Exercise 4: Threshold Limit Values

Objectives: Become familiar with the TLV Book (preferably current year, but use what is accessible)

• How to get TLV resources from ACGIH

• The TLV Booklet and its contents

• Documentation of TLVs and how to use it

Instructions: Complete the following questions and turn them into instructor at beginning of Wednesday class following the lab. To avoid a 20% late penalty, must be turned in at beginning of class. There is no need for an additional write-up for this particular lab.

I. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist Website and Membership:

1) Go to www.acgih.org

1. Who is eligible for student membership? ___________________________________________

2. How do applicants prove they are eligible for student membership? ______________________ (View PDF application to answer this question).

3. How much are student dues? __________________

4. What "Member Benefits" are associated with TLVs?





5. As a ACGIH member, you get one free copy of the TLV/BEI booklet, but to purchase directly from ACGIH as a non-member, what would be the cost to purchase:

a) TLV/BEI booklet. $_________________________________

b) Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, 7th Edition?


II. Becoming Familiar with the TLVs and BEIs Booklet (If you have a personal copy please use it, if not, get a copy of what is available in the lab)

1) Policy and Position Statements

1. On the inside of the front cover there is a "Special Note to User" to do what "before applying the recommendations contained herein"?

2. How often are TLVs and BEIs published?

3. Are the TLVs and BEIs "consensus standards"? _____. What do they represent?

4. TLVs and BEIs are considered _________________ values. How are TLVs and BEIs established?

5. What does ACGIH say about economic or technical feasibility concerning TLVs and BEIs?

6. What is ACGIH's position on TLVs and BEIs as standards?

2) TLV/BEI Development Process

In your own words, summarize the 4-step process involved in the development and adoption of a TLV: (Step 5 involves the withdrawal of a TLV/BEI)


3) Introduction to the Chemical Substances

1. Who should use TLVs? ____________

2. Are TLVs fine lines between "safe" and "unsafe"? _____________________________________

3. Which workers are protected by TLVs? _____________________________________________

4. TWA Threshold Limit Values are based on ______ hour workdays and ______ hour work weeks.

5. STEL is a ______ minute (maximum) period of exposure, not to exceed _________ minutes between successive exposures.

6. What is the duration of a TLV-C? _____________________

7. TLVs based on physical irritation are important because: ______________________________

8. What is the definition of an "excursion limit"? _______________________________________

9. What is the "easier to use" method recommended for "unusual" work schedules?

10. Convert 100 ppm xylene to mg/m3: (show the calculation and use appropriate sig. figures)

4) TLV-CS Definitions and Notations

1. What are 2 special hazards associated with oxygen deficient atmospheres caused by the presence of simple asphyxiants in high concentrations:

a) Warning properties? ________________________________________________________

b) Explosions? _______________________________________________________________

2. ACGIH has replaced "total particulate" TLVs with: ________________________________

3. Insoluble particulate exposures should be kept below:

4. "BEI" notation means: __________________________

5. "SEN" (also DSEN or RSEN) notation is for: ____________________________________________

6. "Skin" notation is used when chemicals? _________________________________________

7. Are TLVs intended to protect sensitized workers? _____________________________________

5) TLV tables "Adopted Values"

1. What is (are) the TLV(s) for Acetone? ______________________________________________

2. What is the basis for the acrylamide TLV? ___________________________________________

3. Acetylene is a/an: ______________________________________________________________

4. Why does acrolein have a "C" (Ceiling) entry? _______________________________________

5. Why does adipic acid have an mg/m3 entry, yet adiponitrile has a ppm entry?

6. Why does aldrin have a "skin" notation, yet the critical effects are on the CNS, liver and kidney?

6) Notice of Intended Changes

1. What is the first change in the NIC list in the __________ (book year) TLV/BEI booklet?

2. How long does it take for a proposed change to take effect? ____________________________

3. With relation to NICs, what items are found in "Appendix G"? ___________________________

7) Chemical Substances and Other Issues Under Study

1. How many substances are listed? ________. What is the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2?

8) Appendix A: Carcinogenicity

1. What is the difference between A1 and A2 Categories? _________________________________

2. What is the different recommendation for an A1 without a TLV and an A1 with a TLV? ________

9) Appendix B: Particles

1. What does the acronym "PNOS" stand for? __________________________________________

2. What types of particles are considered PNOS? _______________________________________

3. ACGIH believes that PNOS airborne concentrations be below 3mg/m3 for respirable particles,and 10mg/m3 for inhalable until, _________________________________________________

10) Appendix C: Particle Size-Selective Sampling

1. For what materials do the IPM-TLVs apply? ___________________________________________

2. Which organization influenced ACGIH to change the RPM sampler median cut point to 4.0 µm?

11) Appendix E: Mixtures

1. Where there is a mixture of chemicals having similar toxic effects, the TLV is exceeded if the calculation is greater than ___________.

12) Biological Exposure Indices

1. What 3 types of biological specimens are used for BEIs? (Look through the table.)

2. Which of these specimens do you think an IH would be most likely to collect? ______________

3. Should BEIs be adjusted or corrected for unusual work schedules? __________.

13) Physical Agents

1. What are the 6 categories that have TLVs for physical agents? __________________________

14) Biologically Derived Airborne Contaminants

1. Are there TLVs for culturable or countable bioaerosols or infectious agents? ___________.

15) Endnotes and Abbreviation

1. What is the endnote and definition of a respirable fiber? ________________________________

2. PPM is defined for gases and vapors at what atmospheric conditions? ____________________

III. Becoming Familiar with the TLV Documentation, 7th Edition (these are the green books located at north wall of the IH Lab)

1. What is the rat LD50 for Acetone? _________________________________________________

2. The TLV for hydrogen selenide was set at 0.05 ppm to prevent:

a) ___________ ___________________and _______________ ______________________.


3. What are some major uses of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene? __________________________________

TLV and BEI's BOOk link below :


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