What is the Emperical evaluation
Emperical evaluation based on:
i) Time elapsed since stage one surgery - Considering the sigma cycle of bone formation in humans, a time period of 17 weeks is considered sufficient following stage one surgery to progress towards stage two and prosthetic procedures.
ii) However, the type of bone quality at stage one is a criterion for extending or reducing this time. In case the bone density was extremely poor or the implant placed in grafted bone then an extra time period of 3-8 weeks can be added to the initial 17 weeks prior to stage two procedure.
iii) In case even after submerging the implant at stage one, if the cover screw gets exposed following healing(or with one stage procedure protocol), stage two surgery is not required, however implant stability measurement can be done with RFA, periotest etc (discussed in theory) or with percussion, or evaluation of implant mobility using two probes back ends etc. before proceeding to the prosthetic phase.