A. Why does the wife give him butter and sugar when his medical condition contradicts this?
B. What do you think his ADL scale is?
C. What therapeutic interventions does the wife use? (Redirection, validation, reminiscence)
D. What is the effect of the patient not recognizing his wife? What was the wife's response and therapeutic response? Was she appropriate?
E. Why did his wife stop giving him medications to potentially stop the progression of his disease?
F. Did he have any evidence of altered mental status? Did he have active hallucinations? What do you feel about antipsychotics being ordered or withheld?
G. What physical changes did you see as he died?
H. You have discussed self -actualization and courage that the older adult experiences with aging and loss. How does she respond to his death? What bereavement rituals helped her to adapt to his death?