
What is the effect of shifting an unsigned number in a

1.)        a.) Explain the difference between a protocol and a standard.  

            b.) Identify two standards and protocols by name.  

            c.) Provide an example of on protocol that is not a standard and discuss.  


2.)        Figure 2.8 in the textbook illustrates the basic architecture for a three-tier database system. This system can be viewed as an IPO system.

            a.) What is the input for this system?  

            b.) What is the expected output from this system?  

            c.) What environmental element receives the output?  

            d.) Briefly describe the processing that take place in the system .

3.)  Perform the following calculations and show all work for parts b, c, and





+          1012




X           1011


d.)        Convert to decimal:  .10010012

4.)        a.) Describe three major limitations that PDF places on its users.  

            b.) How does PDF manage bitmap images?  

            c.) Discuss two differences between PDF and Postscript.  


5.  What are the 16-bit 2's complement of the following binary numbers? Show how the answers were produced.

            a.)    100111100001001  

             b.)    0100111000100100  

6.)  Write a Little Man program that accepts three values as input and produces the largest of them as its output by filling in the correct mnemonic code in each of the six missing values marked in red below. This program inputs and saves all three numbers. Then it compares the last two. (This saves a LOAD, since the third number is already in the calculator.) The larger of the two is then placed into the calculator, and compared against the remaining input value. (9 points)

00              INP            901            ;input three numbers and save

01              STO 99      399

02              INP            901

03              STO 98      398

04              INP            901

05              STO 97      397

06              ???????      ???             ;subtract number in 98 from that in 97

07              BRP 10      811            ;number in 97 larger

08              LDA 98     598            ;number in 98 larger-restore 98

09              BR 11        611

10              LDA 97     597            ;restore 97

11              ??????        ???             ;store larger of (97, 98) in 96

12              ??????        ???             ;subtract number in 99 from larger

13              BRP 16      816            ;number in 96 larger

14              LDA 99     599            ;number in 99 larger--restore 99

15              BR 17        617

16              LDA 96     596            ;restore 96

17              OUT          902

18              COB          000

7.)   a.) What is the effect of shifting an unsigned number in a register two bits to the left? Why?  

b.) What is the effect of shifting an unsigned number in a register one bit the right? Why  

c.) Suppose that the number in the register is signed (i.e. a number stored using 2's complement). What is the effect of shifting the number? Why?

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Basic Computer Science: What is the effect of shifting an unsigned number in a
Reference No:- TGS01132439

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The solution file is a type of networking and computer task.The seven problems were resolved in the solution file.The description regarding the PDF format, binary number conversion, networking and standard protocol was demonstrated in the provided file.Little Man program was reviewed and tested for three numbers with references.

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