
What is the early finish time for the entire project

Exercise 1

See the Crisis Communications Plan (PDF): 

Please read the provided pdf file (you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed). Assuming that the key results of the needs assessment will be the input for creating a project plan, create a three level work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. This may be done using the tool or manually. The WBS should be numerically coded. Do not include resources or durations. 

Hint. On page 5, the underlined portions are level one, the bullets are level two. If using the tool, in order to properly code the WBS, use of the indent tab is required. Include your WBS, (in any legible format), with your response. 

Answer the following questions: 
1. What are the purposes of the WBS and associated coding? 
2. At what point would the Crisis Communications Plan WBS be fully developed (hint: criteria for stopping at a certain level)? 

Exercise 2.

Yard Project 

The project involves a simple job of maintaining the yard around a home. The tasks are shown in Figure 1. This project has three phases: preparation, execution, and cleanup. The assumption is that there will be more than one individual working and therefore some tasks can be done concurrently. 

Task Description Preceding Event Duration 
A Pick Up Trash None 15 
B Put Gas In Mower None 5 
C Get Hedge Clippers None 5 
D Trim Weeds A and B 30 
E Mow Front Yard A and B 15 
F Edge Sidewalk A and B 20 
G Trim Hedge C 25 
H Mow Backyard E 25 
I Bag Grass D, H, F and G 30 
J Bundle Trash D, H, F and G 15 
K Haul Trash I and J 25 
Figure 1. Yard work tasks 

Using this information: 

1. Create an activity-on-node network diagram. Use arrows to represent precedence. Label each node with the corresponding task letter id. If doing it manually, within the node use the nomenclature of "D = x" to indicate the duration. 

1. Using a project start time of "zero", determine and record in the nodes, the early start and early finish of each task. Please use the nomenclature of "ES =x" and "EF=x". 

1. Please answer these questions. 
If the unit of measure for duration is minutes, how soon after we start the project can we begin to trim weeds, mow the front yard and edge the sidewalk? 
What is the early finish time for the entire project? 

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Reference No:- TGS0128156

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