
What is the duration of the assets


Blue Steel Community has the following market value balance sheet:

Assets/Liability Market value(in $ millions) Duration (in years)

Federal Funds Deposit                 $31     0
Accounts Receicables                  630    .20
Short-terms Loans                      390    .65
Long-term Loans                          98   5.25
Mortgages                                  346 12.85
Checking and savings deposits     585     0
Certificates of deposit                  310  1.60
Long-term Financing                    305  9.80
Equity                                         295  N/A

a. What is the duration of the assets?

b. What is the duration of the liabilities?

c. Is the bank immune to interest rate risk?

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Accounting Basics: What is the duration of the assets
Reference No:- TGS01925195

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