
What is the distance between switch x and switch y


Let's now zoom in to the switches between Alice and Bob. Suppose that a pair of switches X and '1' are connected by a fiber optic link. The first switch begins transmitting the largest IP packet allowed by Ethernet, sending at the 00-24 rate (you will have to look up what these two values are). Just as switch X finishes sending the packet payload, switch Y receives the first bit of the IP packet, meaning the "width" of the packet is the length of the ?ber. The speed of light in fiber is 2;"3 the speed of light in a vacuum.

a) What is the distance between switch X and switch Y?
b) Suppose the link is swapped to 00-3. Does the "width" of a packet on the wire become shorter or longer? Why?

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Computer Engineering: What is the distance between switch x and switch y
Reference No:- TGS03233125

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