
What is the different between culture and national identity

The question is related to the Business Leadership. I need it in7 hrs at UAE time. The Ans should be of 250 words. add references too.

A prime question I would ask is what is the different between culture and national identity? Hofstede (1998) defines culture broadly as a set of norms, values and beliefs. How might this apply to an organisation differently to that of a nation state?

Indeed the nation state might not be always be a suitable measure as in the example of Canada as it is composed of French and English cultural values. Please consider deep history as in the Iceberg model by Garrison to see howdeepculture may determine national cultural values.

Garrison, T. (1998), International Business Culture, 2ndEdition, Elm Publications

Hofstede, G., (1994)Cultures and Organizations, HarperCollins, 2nd edition.

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