
What is the difference between systems analysis and systems

Assignment -

TheEyesHaveIt.com Book Exchange is a type of e-business exchange that does business entirely on the Internet. The company acts as a clearing exchange for both buyers and sellers of used books.

For a person to offer books for sale, he/she must register with EyesHaveIt. The person must provide a current physical address and telephone number as well as a current e-mail address. The system will then maintain an open account for this person. Access to the system as a seller is through a secure, authenticated portal.

A seller can list books on the system through a special Internet form. Information required includes all of the pertinent information about the book, its category, its general condition, and the asking price. A seller may list as many books as desired. The system maintains an index of all books in the system so that buyers can use the search engine to search for books. The search engine allows searches by title, author, category, and keyword.

People wanting to buy books come to the site and search for the books they want. When they decide to buy, they must open an account with a credit card to pay for the books. The system maintains all of this information on secure servers.

When a request to purchase is made, along with the payment, TheEyesHaveIt.com sends an e-mail notice to the seller of the book that was chosen. It also marks the book as sold. The system maintains this as an open order until it receives notice that the books have been shipped. After the seller receives notice that a listed book has been sold, he/she must notify the buyer via e-mail within 48 hours that the purchase is noted. Shipment of the order must be made within 24 hours after the seller sends the notification e-mail. The seller sends a notification to both the buyer and TheEyesHaveIt.com when the shipment is made.

After receiving notice of shipment, TheEyesHaveIt.com maintains the order in a shipped status. At the end of each month, a check is mailed to each seller for the book orders that have been in a shipped status for 30 days. The 30-day waiting period is to allow the buyer to notify TheEyesHaveIt.com if the shipment does not arrive for some reason, or if the book is not in the same condition as advertised.

The buyers can, if they want, enter a service code for the seller. The service code is an indication of how well the seller is servicing book purchases. Some sellers are very active and use TheEyesHaveIt.com as a major outlet for selling books. So, a service code is an important indicator to potential buyers.

Part 1:

1. Identify (at least 5) use cases for the system using the user goal technique. List the users, user goals, resulting use cases and write a brief use case description for each resulting use case.

2. Use a UML Editor (for example MS Visio with UML template) to draw a use case diagram based on the actors and use cases you identified.

Week 2:

1. Based on the information here, draw a domain model class diagram (UML Class Diagram) for the system that includes classes, attributes, association relationships, cardinality. Make sure that you identify at least one generalization/specialization relationship and include it in your domain model class diagram.

2. For each of the two use cases Register as Seller and Purchase Books, develop a fully developed use case description and a System Sequence Diagram (SSD).

Week 3:

1. Develop a first-cut sequence diagram for the use case Purchase Books.

2. Develop a design class diagram (see Figure 10-19 from the textbook for example) that includes classes, attributes, methods, and navigation visibility for the use case Purchase Books.

Submit the first cut sequence diagram and the design class diagram together with the SSD, Domain Model Class diagram that you use to develop the design models.

Week 4:

1. Develop the database schema based on the domain model class diagram. Make sure that each table has a primary key and the foreign keys are identified from the one-to-many associations. The database schema can be developed in table format (see Figure 12-8from the text book for example) or using a database schema design tool (for example MS Visio with Entity Relationship Diagram template).

2. Use a User Interface Design Tool (for example MS Visio with Wireframe template) to design the user interface for the use case Register as Seller.

Submit the database schema and user interface together with the domain model class diagram and the SSD that you use to develop the design models.

For discussion board Questions:

DQ1 - Systems Analysis vs. Systems Design

What is the difference between systems analysis and systems design?

DQ2 - User-interface Design vs. System-interface Design

What is the difference between user-interface design and system-interface design? Which diagrams developed in the analysis can be used for the user-interface design and system-interface design? How?

DQ3 - Architectural Design vs. Detail Design

What is the difference between architectural design and detail design?

DQ4 - NU Website and ClassLive Pro Improvement Sugesstion The National University (NU) website and the Blackboard Collaborate provide the online teaching and learning environment for both faculties and students. We all sometimes feel that both the NU website and the Blackboard Collaborate can be improved to facilitate the teaching and learning process of faculties and students. Please suggest some improvements for the NU webiste and Blackboard Collaborate. Describe your improvement requirements using the concepts that we have learned in the first week (FURPS+ Model, Use Cases, SSD for Input/Output, Activity Diagrams for Workflow etc.).

DQ5 - Domain Model Class Diagram vs. Design Class Diagram

Explain how domain model class diagram is different from design class diagram.  

DQ6 - Sequence Diagram and SSD

 How does a sequence diagram differ from a System Sequence Diagram (SSD)? Which information do you need to be able to extend a System Sequence Diagram to a Sequence Diagram?

DQ7 - Designing with CRC Cards vs. Sequence Diagrams

What is the difference between designing with CRC cards and designing with sequence diagrams? Which technique would you prefer? Why?

DQ8 - Use case controller

What is the purpose of the use case controller? 

DQ9 - Database Design

Who should be in charge of designing the database - team members, who understand the application requirements, or a database design expert, who may not understand the problem domain issues but does understand good database design? What would you suggest?

DQ10- Integrity Controls

The rapid increase in e-commerce and the need for online access has increased the need for integrity controls. Integrity controls are integrated into the application and the database. Business managers want integrity but might not be willing to pay for the time and effort needed to develop comprehensive integrity controls. What arguments can you present to persuade business owners that this investment in non-functional software is beneficial? How much effort is needed compared to developing functional business software?

DQ11 - Agile Development Side-Effects What are the major problems (or side-effects) while using Agile Development Methodology (for example Scrum and XP)?

DQ12 - Applying analysis and design at workplace

Do you think that you can apply any of the systems analysis and design concepts that we learned (FURPS+, use cases, class diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, state machine diagram, etc.) at your workplace in the near future or in the long term?

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Computer Engineering: What is the difference between systems analysis and systems
Reference No:- TGS02266173

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