
What is the difference between structured and free play


A. Kelley's theories of Creativity and Design Thinking rely on the concept of Empathy. Explain what that means and use 2 examples from the book where the concept of empathy was used to help find a solution to a problem.

B. Describe prototyping. Describe a time when you had to "iterate" on an idea

C. What is a "bug list?" How does it relate to creativity?

D. Why is it important for companies to interview their "end users?" Give an example of a solution that might have been influenced by research into a product's problems

E. Explain the "do something mindset." How is this different than the "growth mindset?"

F. List 3 forms of play that you could engage in as an adult that might be beneficial to your overall development, creativity and well-being, and explain how they might be helpful?

G. What is the difference between structured and free play? Give 2 examples of each.

H. Why is pursuing a passion in a career more likely to produce innovation and creativity?

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