
What is the difference between sex and gender what types

The Emergence of Gender in Criminology

Please review pages 1-9 and pages 15-19. You are NOT required to review the material on Feminism or the Feminist Method.

As you read, be sure you capture the following information in your notes: and answer the following:

1. What are the three major areas covered in this text and in the course?

2. How are women "invisible" as offenders, victims, and professionals in the criminal justice field?

3. Why do many feminist theorists suggest that women often belong in more than one category (victim, offender, practitioner)?

4. What is the difference between "sex" and "gender"?

5. What types of societal images do we hold regarding women and crime? Do these images impact the way that we process women through the criminal justice system?

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Other Subject: What is the difference between sex and gender what types
Reference No:- TGS01110895

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