
What is the difference between research and evaluation


Task 1: half Page, times new roman, 12, double spaced.

What is the difference between Research and Evaluation?

How do you see the role of evaluation in organizations?

What are the ethical issues in evaluation practice?

Task 2: Reflection of the article (Times, new roman, 12, double spaced). The reflection should be 400 words and should include the following:

Review the article:  A comparison of the practices used by human resource development professionals to evaluate web-based and classroom-based training programmes within seven Korean companies by Younghee Jessie Kong

1- Section 1: Rationale for choosing the article

2- Section 2: Critique and connection to the course(course name:Evaluation models in Human Resource development)

3- Section 3: Article Reference (and other references if used in the Critique)





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Other Management: What is the difference between research and evaluation
Reference No:- TGS02122977

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