Q1. What sources of law are created at the federal, state and local levels? Give an example of what each regulates in real estate?
Q2. What is the difference between public and private law?
Q3. What is relationship of the U.S. Constitution to state constitutions?
Q4. What are administrative agencies, why do they exist and what they are designed to accomplish?
Q5. What is the doctrine of stare decisis and what does it accomplish?
Q6. Generally, a federal court only has the authority to only preside over diversity of citizenship and federal question cases. What are the defining features of these two kinds of cases?
Q7. What is difference between courts of limited jurisdiction and general jurisdiction? Please provide two examples of such courts at the state level.
Q8. What are substantive law and procedural law?
Q9. Define the following terms: action, complaint, pleadings, answer, motion to dismiss.
Q10. What is the difference between arbitration and mediation?
Q11. In what narrow circumstances an arbitration can be overturned by a court?