
What is the difference between paraphrasing and quoting how

Assignment: Information Literacy

Complete Parts 1 and 2 below. You will use two sources from the university library to complete Part 1. For Part 2, you will write a brief four- to five-sentence response distinguishing between paraphrasing and quoting, and describing your library database experience. For assistance with this assignment you may use the Citation Generator located in the Center for Writing Excellence.

Part 1

Select one of the following topics for this assignment:

• Obesity
• Affordable Care Act
• Healthcare Disparities
• Cyberbullying
• Online Predators
• Information Security
• Social Media
• Renewable Energy
• Financial Literacy
• Student Loan Crisis
• Technology in Education
• Healthy Life Habits
• Career Exploration
• First-Time Home Buying
• Mindfulness in Business or Education
• Branding
• Immigration
• Tax Structure
• Homeland Security
• Global Women's Rights
• Concussions and the NFL

Locate two sources in the university library from at least two different databases, such as EBSCOhost and ProQuest, related to your selected topic.

Complete the following table for each source you have chosen. Include the original passage when you provide the paraphrase and quote.



Article Information and Questions


Title of the article

Time Diary and Questionnaire Assessment of Factors Associated With Academic and Personal Success Among University Undergraduates

Database where the article was found


Why did you choose this article?

I thought it was interesting and helpful in that it discussed a variety of ways students could be successful, including setting goals, which was a topic discussed in this course.

Is the article credible? How do you know?

Yes, the five-authored article was peer-reviewed and published in a reputable publication: Journal of American College Health.

Is the author biased? How do you know?

No, they are not providing an opinion-based piece and cite empirical evidence/research throughout.

Is the article relevant? How?

Yes, it discusses ways for students to be more successful personally, as well as GPA, which is relevant to my research topic.

Find a passage you might use and paraphrase it. Include a properly formatted in-text citation.

Original passage:
"Throughout the past century, businessmen and motivational experts have placed goal setting as a central construct of their success argument. Although their work is largely anecdotal, scholarly literature from several domains supports their position. For example, Locke and Latham created the primary goal-setting theory that is used today in the business world. Researchers in a number of empirical studies have verified the effectiveness of this theory and others. Psychological and educational investigators also have associated goal setting with success among elementary school students, high school students, and university undergraduates."

Paraphrased passage:
A major predictor of one's success is based on one's ability to set clear goals (George, Dixon, Stansal, Gelb & Pheri, 2008).

Locate a direct quote that might fit into your paper. Include a properly formatted in-text citation.


Direct quote:
"Throughout the past century, businessmen and motivational experts have placed goal setting as a central construct of their success argument. Although their work is largely anecdotal, scholarly literature from several domains supports their position. For example, Locke and Latham created the primary goal-setting theory that is used today in the business world. Researchers in a number of empirical studies have verified the effectiveness of this theory and others. Psychological and educational investigators also have associated goal setting with success among elementary school students, high school students, and university undergraduates."

Direct quote with in-text citation:
"Throughout the past century, businessmen and motivational experts have placed goal setting as a central construct of their success argument. Although their work is largely anecdotal, scholarly literature from several domains supports their position. For example, Locke and Latham created the primary goal-setting theory that is used today in the business world. Researchers in a number of empirical studies have verified the effectiveness of this theory and others. Psychological and educational investigators also have associated goal setting with success among elementary school students, high school students, and university undergraduates" (George, Dixon, Stansal, Gelb & Pheri, 2008, p. 706).

APA-formatted citation for a reference page

George, D., PhD., Dixon, S., PhD., Stansal, E., B.A., Gelb, S. L., M.A., & Pheri, T., B.A. (2008). Time diary and questionnaire assessment of factors associated with academic and personal success among university undergraduates. Journal of American College Health, 56(6), 706-15.

First Source

Article Information and Questions


Title of the article


Database where the article was found


Why did you choose this article?


Is the article credible? How do you know?


Is the author biased? How do you know?


Is the article relevant? How?


Find a passage you might use and paraphrase it. Include a properly formatted in-text citation.

Original passage:

Paraphrased passage:

Locate a direct quote that might fit into your paper. Include a properly formatted in-text citation.

Direct quote:

Direct quote with in-text citation:

APA-formatted citation for a reference page


Second Source

Article Information and Questions


Title of the article


Database where the article was found

Why did you choose this article?

Is the article credible? How? How do you know?

Is the author biased? How do you know?

Is the article relevant? How?


Find a passage you might use and paraphrase it. Include a properly formatted in-text citation.

Original passage:

Paraphrased passage:

Locate a direct quote that might fit into your paper. Include a properly formatted in-text citation.

Direct quote:

Direct quote with in-text citation:

APA-formatted citation for a reference page


Part 2

Respond to the following in a brief paragraph (between 50-150 words):

• What is the difference between paraphrasing and quoting?
• How do the citations differ, based on paraphrasing and quoting?
• When should you quote vs. paraphrase?
• What was your experience using the university library databases? What challenges did you encounter?

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Dissertation: What is the difference between paraphrasing and quoting how
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