
What is the difference between nurture and nature


I. Explain what the term alienation means and identify the first sociologist to use it.

Provide a detailed example illustrating a case of "alienation."

II. Sociologists have offered several different explanations for the rise in the divorce rate in the U.S. in recent decades. Choose two of those explanations, and (i) briefly describe their main points, (ii) state which explanation makes the most sense to you, and (iii) give the reasons why.

III. What is the difference between "nurture" and "nature?" Explain how each contributes to human behavior. Discuss the one that you think is more important, using an example and explaining why.

IV. Define "socialization" and then:

i. Name three "agents of socialization," explaining what each one is and giving a detailed illustration of how it affects a person's life.
ii. Explain what you learned about socialization from the studies of Danielle.

V. Fully discuss one of the following three experiments:

i. Hawthorne Effect
ii. Stanford Prison Study (Philip Zimbardo)
iii. Obedience (Stanley Milgram)

Be certain to include the relationship between the independent variable/dependent variable and the conclusion of the study.

VI. Discuss the definitions and the importance and implications of:

i. Instinct
ii. Reflexes and drives
iii. Culture and language

Give an example of each.

VII. Define:

i. Ethnocentrism
ii. Cultural relativity (relativism).

Discuss how these might affect racism, prejudice, and discrimination. Use specific examples.

VIII. Define "minority group." Then choose one of the examples studies and trace historically some of the problems and experiences encountered by this group in the United States. Be specific.

IX. Describe "personality development" according to

i. Mead

ii. Cooley According to their opinions, could personality emerge even if the individual were reared in isolation? Why or why not?

X. Define the following terms and give an example of each as they apply to your life.

i. Ascribed status
ii. Achieved status
iii. Role
iv. Role conflict

XI. With the current debate centering on immigration, please address the following:

i. Define immigration
ii. Briefly discuss the theories of Malthus with respect to population/migration. Was Malthus correct? Why or why not?


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