
What is the difference between nociception and pain


A. What is the difference between nociception and pain?

B. What is the difference between pain threshold and pain tolerance?

C. Describe the pathway of nociception through the nervous system, starting at a nociceptor.

D. Describe 3 different mechanisms, acting at the level of the spinal cord, that can prevent the signal of nociception from reaching the brain.

E. What are the differences between acute and chronic pain?

F. What are the vascular effects during the stress response, relating to the:

a. Skin
b. Skeletal muscles
c. Kidneys
d. GI tract
e. Mean arterial pressure

G. What are catecholamine hormones, where are they released from, and what are their effects on the body during the stress response?

H. What is the effect of stress on blood glucose levels? How is this achieved?

I. Which hormones are involved in altering blood pressure during the stress response? Where are they released from?

J. What are some of the potential consequences of chronic stress? What types of physiological mechanisms that you know of can lead to this?

K. What is the nomenclature that we learned, relating to naming tumours (hint: suffixes)?

L. What are the differences between benign and malignant tumours?

M. What are some of the clinical warning signs of cancer?

N. What are the local effects of a growing tumour (what effects can it have on the local tissue)?

O. What are some of the systemic effects of malignancy?

P. What is the difference between invasion and metastasis?

Q. Describe the TNM staging system.

R. List the various risk factors (that you know of) that can lead to the development of cancer.

S. What are some of the common adverse effects of cancer treatment? What is the physiological explanation for why these findings are common?

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Reference No:- TGS03264627

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