
What is the difference between micro and macroeconomics?


According to the book Global Innovation Management by J.C. Westland answer the questions below...

What is the OECD and its main functions?

I. Name three UN agencies which are relevant to technological business and industry?

II. Identify five key economic principles essential to understanding economics

III. What is the difference between micro and macroeconomics?

IV. Define innovation and contrast it to invention

V. What understandings, capabilities, and personal characteristics contribute to the innovativeness of any individual?

VI. How can global business practices be categorized?

VII. What is ISO

VIII. What is the GATT?

IX. Describe the main purpose of each of these organizations

ii. ILO
iii. World Bank
iv. OECD

X. Define GDP and GNP and highlight their difference

i. GDP:
ii. GNP:
iii. Difference:

XI. List five option strategies available when considering positioning for a technology:

XII. What are the two primary objectives for an innovation audit as stated by Westland:

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Computer Engineering: What is the difference between micro and macroeconomics?
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