Instructions: Write an essay on the topic specified above. Your essay must address the following questions.
• What is the difference between inequality and insecurity and how can these phenomena be explained theoretically?
• How does inequality and insecurity affect different social groups?
• Has work become more unequal and/or insecure in Canada?
• What causes inequality in the labour market? In other words, what are the major explanations for inequality in the labour market and which are most persuasive?
• Finally, which government and employer policies appear to be the most effective in reducing work-related inequalities and insecurities?
This assignment gives you the opportunity to develop your own arguments and draw your own conclusions.
Please include citations for any quotations or direct references used.-you may use endnotes, and also include a full bibliography of all materials consulted.
For your bibliography, use APA 6th edition style.
Length: 1200 to 1400 words