
What is the difference between hominin and hominid


A. What are the functions of bone?

B. How many bones are there in the human body?

C. What are the soft spots on the baby's head called how are they related to child birth?

D. How are the numbers of mammalian cervical vertebrae an example of homology? Think of a mouse, giraffe, and human.

E. What two bones did MMA fighter Anderson Silva break in a fight?

F. What is the difference between hominin and hominid?

G. The most important derived feature defining a hominins in the fossil record is....

H. Be able to describe the difference between habitual and obligate bipedalism. What hominins practiced each form of locomotion. Also, what anatomic characteristics are associated with the different forms of bipedalism?

I. When did the first hominins first appear in the fossil record? In other words, when did we last share a common ancestor with primates?

J. Be able to describe in detail the different anatomical adaptations to the skull, vertebrae, femur, and feet that are associated with evolution to bipedalism. What is the foramen magnum position an indication of?

K. Be able to place the major hominins in chronological order (Ardipithecus ramidus, A. afarensis, H. habilis, H. erectus., H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, H. sapiens)

L. Know the differences between features of robust and gracile australopithecines and what does it say about diet?

M. Be able to date and describe primitive and derived features of Ardipithecus ramidus.

N. Why are the Laetoli footprints significant? What species is thought to have made the mand what is the date?

O. Describe the dental arcade of chimps, australopithecines and homo sapiens?

P. Which is the oldest robust australopithecine? Which species is considered the most robust? Why?

Q. A student of mine last quarter said he was told eating meat is recent human phenomenon. What evidence debunks this claim? What is the evidence of stone tool use and meat eating in the fossil record?

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Biology: What is the difference between hominin and hominid
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