
What is the difference between beliefs and values


Introduction to Social Sciences


Objective. The term project is a written report on Introduction to Social Sciences that we have learned with the main emphasis on highlighting exceptional or excellent Introduction to Social Sciences practices and techniques that are beneficial to us as students and the society that we live it. It is an individual report, but if several individuals wish to form a team that is a good alternative.

Content of Report.

The report may be thought of as a short case study with the following possible topics you can choose from;

1. What are some of the social challenges our communities, country and the region is facing in terms of crime and violence, inequality based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, globalization, etc.

2. What are the different bases of legitimacy and what might cause legitimacy to breakdown. Explain

3. What are the challenges and rewards in schooling in a multicultural university like AUE?

4. Can the different social sciences disciplines help contribute solutions to current social problems?

5. What were the causes of the fall of communism? Does communism have a place as an influential ideology in the twenty-first century?

6. What are the relationships between ideology and our daily behaviors? What functions do ideologies serve in general?

7. Is multiculturalism beneficial to a society or detrimental? Presents both arguments

8. What is the difference between beliefs, values, norms and religion?

9. Do universal values exist across cultures or is cultural relativism a higher value?

10. Some have argued that society's problems are best addressed at the local or state level. What do you think, explain?

11. Explain all the ways globalization has had an impact on your family, community and country?

This is not a comprehensive report about social sciences but a consolidation and practicality of what we have learned. Therefore, the emphasis is on social sciences and how it has an impact on our lives, community and country.

Research Methods. In order to gather the information, you will want to use the World Wide Web, the Libraries and their databases, financial data, the organization's Annual Report, and interviews with key management personnel (via phone, e-mail, or in person). You will most likely gather more information than you can put in the report, so you will be expected to take only the best and most relevant data for the report (do not include material to "pad" the length).

Once you narrow down your data, organize it into a logical report (beginning, body, and ending) which has a summary and logical conclusions. Because this is not a long, comprehensive report you must concentrate on the most important key aspects (attributes) of social sciences practices and outcomes. Therefore, you should delimit your information to one or two key areas of social sciences (e. g., power and the global community, power, violence, and crime, power and culture, power and ideology, power, society and social sciences, research skills, critical thinking, etc.) and how this area or areas will help us understand ourselves, community and the world at large. Remember the world has become a village and we must learn to live in peace and harmony with each other.

Length and Format. The body of the report must be a minimum of five pages (double-spaced) per person; however, it may be longer if you find it necessary for a full explanation. (A team of 3 would have a 15-page report with the identity of the author of each page indicated in the header.)

The report must include these parts:

1. Cover Page. Title of report, name of preparer, date, and course.

2. Research Methods. How you gathered your information and how you organized and analyzed it to come to your conclusions. (Library, interviews, www, etc.)

3. Body-(a.) Short introduction and background information. (b.) Description of the social sciences practices and attributes that will help you understand yourself, community and the world you live in (fairly long and detailed). (c.) Concise Summary of Findings and Conclusions you have reached based on your research.

4. References-A list of the sources you used to gather the data to write the report, including names of those interviewed and dates you interviewed them (whether by phone, fax, e-mail, or in person). Be sure to DOCUMENT with a full notation, in the body of the report, which of these references was used, including author, title, dates, page, etc.

5. Attachments-Attach materials you find particularly helpful in explaining the company's management practices and outcomes, but do not attach materials merely to pad the report.

Use double-spacing and one-inch margins all around, with 12-point type, Times Roman. Use headings and subheadings for each of the main divisions or paragraphs of the report (such as in this document). This is a technique that makes it easier for the reader to identify and refer to the various parts. Carefully proofread and spell-check your work.

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