
What is the difference between accidents and incidents

Chapter - Recording and reporting of safety data

1. What is the difference between accidents and incidents? Identify several types of incidents.

2. List and define NTSB's classification of accidents.

3. Why do accident investigations still provide the best insight and information leading to accident prevention? What is the purpose of publicizing safety recom¬mendations following an accident?

4. Explain the importance of establishing a culture of safety reporting. What is the difference between a mandatory and voluntary reporting system? What character¬istic of voluntary systems is particularly important?

5. Describe the database system managed by the NTSB. Why was NASA choser to manage the Aviation Safety Reporting System? What is its function?

6. What is the purpose of flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders? Hoy; might they be used for accident prevention purposes? What is the ICAC ADREP? Give several examples of information provided by ICAO and based or. ADREP data.

Chapter - Review of Safety Statistics

1. Why is the accident rate a better measure of safety than accident counts are?

2. What is the most critical phase of flight? What a7 some lessons that can be learned from the Boeing summary?

3. Describe the general trend in aviation accidents :during the 1980s and 1990s and 2000s.

4. Explain how OSHA injury and illness rates are calculated.

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Other Subject: What is the difference between accidents and incidents
Reference No:- TGS02195928

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