1. If you are working, does your place of work have an HR office? Has the HR office been helpful to you as an employee? If yes, how so?If no, how so?Are you employed in the HR field? If yes, in what capacity?Why do you think Human Resource management is important to all managers?
2. What is the difference between a strategy, a vision, and a mission? Include a current example of both a mission and vision statement from a business or company.
Do you think strategy, visions and missions really impact employees and help them carry out their work? If yes, why? and If no, why not?
Where you work, does the vision and mission statement impact you? (If you are not working or your business does not have a vision and mission statement, please indicate this in your response.
3.Your own performance at work depends partly on your subordinates and coworkers. Employees with the right attributes will do a better job for you and the company.
The number one reason Fortune 500 leaders give for their success is having the "right" people working for them.
A. Do you think this is true?
B. What are some of the attributes you would look for in an employee who is "right" for you?
C. What are some of the other reasons for being sure to carefully select employees?
4.Explain the pros and cons of at least five training techniques. ?
5.Appraisal by Subordinates -- Do you think this is worthwhile? Can a manager gain from this appraisal process?
Remember, anonymity affects upward feedback. Managers who get feedback from subordinates who identify themselves view the upward feedback process more positively than do managers who get anonymous feedback. However, subordinates are more comfortable giving anonymous responses, and those who must identify themselves tend to give inflated ratings.
6.What is merit pay? Do you think it's a good idea to award employees merit raises? If yes, why? If not, why not?
Merit pay or merit raises is any salary increase awarded to an employee based on his or her individual performance. Merit pay has both advocates and detractors. Which are you?
7.Exit Interviews are conducted by many employers with employees who are leaving the firm for any reason. These are interviews, usually conducted by a human resource professional just prior to the employee leaving. The assumption is that the employee will be candid because he or she is leaving.
However, the information one gets is more likely to be questionable. Researchers found that at the time of separation, 38% of those leaving blamed salary and benefits, and only 4% blamed supervision. Followed up 18 months later, 24% blamed supervision and only 12% blamed salary and benefits. Getting to the real issues during the exit interview may take some real digging.
Do you think exit interviews are a worthwhile procedure for HR departments? If yes, why? If no, why not?
8.there is a list of contract agreement sections. These include: management rights, union security, grievance procedure, compensation rates, hours of work and overtime, benefits such as vacation, holidays, insurance and pension, health and safety, employee security.
Which of these provisions do you think are most important to employees and which are most important to management?
9.You are the CEO of a manufacturing plant. You have 500 employees working for you. How would you go about providing a safer work environment for your employees?
10.Who is Samuel Gompers?
11.What/Who is Generation X?