I. Populations can't increase in size indefinitely. Discuss the J and S curve patterns of population growth. Also, give a few examples of both density-independent and density-dependent factors that affect population growth and explain how these 2 types of factors relate to the J and S curves.
II. Compare and contrast the life history characteristics of an organism that demonstrates a Type I survivorship curve versus a Type III survivorship curve. For the population pyramid shown below, predict whether the population will decrease, increase, or stay stable and explain how you know.
III. What is the demographic transition? Compare and contrast a typical country in stage 2 to a country in stage 3 with respect to population growth rate, birth rate, death rate, and proportion of the population less than 15 years of age. Which has a larger ecological footprint- a population in stage 2 or a population in stage 3? Explain why.
IV. Define the term symbiosis specifically as it applies in a biological context. Compare and contrast parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism using a specific example of each type of symbiosis. For all three examples, explain how each organism in the relationship is affected.
V. Human activities are threatening the world's biodiversity. In fact, we are currently in a period of mass extinction caused by the growing human population. Many people don't understand the importance of biodiversity. Write a paragraph explaining why biodiversity is important to humans. In the paragraph, provide at least 5 reasons we should care about the loss of biodiversity. Also, consider human activities that are causing species to become extinct. Provide at least 3 types of human interference that are leading to the extinction of other species.