
What is the definition of a groin vault how does the gospel

Part A -

1) What custom did Caesar borrow from the Hellenistic rulers that both celebrated his success and created small portable artworks? What other roles did art play in the ascendency of Julius Caesar?

2) According to the clip from HBO's Rome, how did Augustus establish his power from the beginning?

3) Compare the statue Augustus of Prima Porta to the Roman Republican Orator (c. 100 BCE) on page 176 of your text.

4) Describe some similarities that the detail view of the Ara Pacis (c. 10 BCE) shares with Classical Greek prototypes.

5) Describe two unique facial features from the Funerary Altar of Cominia Tyche (c. 100 CE). Why is this characteristic of the Roman aesthetic?

6) In the National Geographic video clip from Colosseum, what architectural element is emphasized that became a principal innovation for bearing heavy loads?

7) What is the definition of a "groin" vault?

8) Look at the examples from The Metropolitan Museum of Art's article, "Roman Painting" and write about one.

9) Describe and compare the two different busts pictured.

10) Notice the gesture of the Roman commander in Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus (c. 250 CE). Identify three other figures in Roman art that use that same gesture.

Part B -

1) According to the web site video, "Catacombs of San Callisto, Rome", discuss the catacombs' scale and structure, their history (in terms of persecution and legalization), as well as decorative program.

2) In the article about the use of Early Christian iconography, how is term "symbol" defined? What symbols became, initially, popular among the Early Christians?

3) Though similar in style, discuss how the Sarcophagus of the Good Shepherd (c. 350 CE) and Roman Late Empire Ludovisi Sarcophagus (c. 250 CE) have very different types of narratives.

4) Compare the statue of Christ as the Good Shepherd (c. 350 CE) to the Archaic Greek Calf-Bearer. What influences did the Greek prototype have on Early Christian sculptors?

5) What are the similarities and differences between the Early Christian basilica and the Roman pagan basilica? Why do you think changes were made?

6) From an examination of the interior of Santa Costanza, what architectural elements are appropriated from the Greco-Roman tradition?

7) Describe the mosaics in San Vitale of "Emperor Justinian and Attendants" here and in your text, as well as the mosaic of "Empress Theodora and Attendants". What do they say about the Emperor and Empress? What is the quality of naturalism? How does it attempt to retain the classical style? How does it differ?

8) In the video, "Hagia Sophia: Dome Secrets", what form of construction does it suggest was used to support the weight of the dome at the Hagia Sophia?

9) According to the link describing the history of the Hagia Sophia dome, its diameter is at approximately 102 feet (31m) is just slightly smaller than which monumental structure in Rome?

10) Compare and discuss the Early Byzantine capitals from the Hagia Sophia (c. 550 CE) and San Vitale (c. 525 CE). How are they similar to and different from the capitals of the Greek temples?

11) Describe the stance and composition of the image of Justinian. How do they fit our idea of "classical" statuary? What are the similarities between the sculptures of Justinian and Marcus Aurelius? What about the Archangel Michael? Describe the facial features and the pose. What about the drapery?

12) What are at least two significant differences, in terms of setting and figural type, of how Jesus is portrayed during the Middle Byzantine period than in the Early Byzantine period?

13) What architectural elements at the Basilica of San Marco (c. 1075 CE) characterize the Greek cross plan?

14) Discuss the similarities and differences between the "Christ Pantocrator" mosaic in the cupola of the choir at Hosios Loukas monastery and the image of "Christ Pantocrator" in the textbook.

15) Describe the similarities and differences between the Middle Byzantine period "David Composing the Psalms" from the Paris Psalter (c. 950 CE) and the Roman Early Empire Second Style Herakles and Telephos (c. 75 CE) painting from the Roman Early Empire.

Part C -

1) What, if any, parallels do you see between Gibbon's description written over one hundred years ago about the decline and fall of the Roman Empire to that of the United States' "super power" status, internal political climate, and economic future?

2) Write a 100 word description about one object from the on-line exhibition, "Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga".

3) Explain what makes the figures carved onto the Hiberno-Saxon (Irish) high crosses so stylized. In terms of politics and culture (particularly in the post-Roman Empire era), why do you speculate these artists adopted an "anti"-classical esthetic?

4) Explain why "The Book of Kells" (c. 800 CE) is considered the pinnacle achievement of early medieval illuminated manuscripts in the Hiberno-Saxon culture.

5) After learning more about the "Palace Chapel" at Aachen on the web site Sacred Destinations, give a brief history about Charlemagne's interest in relics and how that manifested itself at the site. What are some of the treasures found at the Palatine Chapel?

6) Why do you think the "Gospel Book of Charlemagne" attempts to revive the classical, naturalistic figure, while during a similar historical moment (yet in a different locale), Hiberno-Saxons are representing the figure in a stylized manner?

7) How does the "Gospel Book of Bishop Ebbo" blend linear expressionism with a classical esthetic?

8) What architectural elements from the Hildesheim Cathedral are appropriated from classical prototypes? How is the plan modified?

9) In the images of the Hero Crucifix and Middle Byzantine mosaic, would you say this figure is naturalistic or stylized? Is there volume to the form? Can you see a "contrapposto" pose? Describe the drapery.

10) After watching the video "The Structure of a Medieval Manuscript", describe the elements that comprise the crafting of such objects.

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