
What is the date and publication of this article- how many

answer the questions below in the correct order.

short answers please for each question.

link for the article:

1. What is the date and publication of this article?

2. How many acres did Guadalupe have by 1960?

3. Who invited Mr. Lauro and Maggie Garcia to Guadalupe?

4. What year did Lauro Garcia help organize catechism classes in Guadalupe?

5. Where did the Gracias' start their catechism classes?

6. What organization did Father Kuban and Mr. Garcia start in August of 1961?

7. How MANY Register voter did Guadalupe have in 1962?

8. What date did Guadalupe get its own voting Precinct?

9. How many acres did the Presbyterian Church have?

10. What year was the Biehn Colony Trust established?

11. Who was Mr. Fred Ross?

12. What did Mr. Ross do for Guadalupe?

13. What year did the Guadalupe Organization incorporate?

14. When did home mail delivery begin in Guadalupe?

15. With the help of the GO, how many persons received the GED?

16. Mr. Lauro Garcia contacted a lawyer to do what for the church?

17. What is the name of a Yaqui who wrote letters to the U.S. President regarding the Cuarenta?

18. What other organization started in Guadalupe by Yaquis?

19. How many Yaqui people gain private deeds to their property?

20. Who was head of a five-man Temple Renovation Committee?

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Dissertation: What is the date and publication of this article- how many
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