
What is the data base of vendor why we need to create


A. What is quick book? Which version are we using?
B. Which operating system we are using to download the quick book?
C. What are the advantages of quick book software and what facility quick book is providing?
D. What is the company? How we can create the company in the quick book?

Company legal name, address, business number contact number nature of the business and service or product provide.

A. What are the accounts charts?
B. What is the vendor means?
C. What is customer means?
D. What is the data base of vendor why we need to create?
E. Create the invoice , pay the invoice edit and delet the invoice
F. What is report centre and how to use memorise function?
G. Which report is use ful for collecting money from customers?
H. Back up types and how to take the back up?
I. What is account receivables? What is account payable?
J. Edit invoice and correct the invoice
K. What is the main menu?
L. What is the procedure to print profit and loss statement
M. Why you need to print the general journal report
N. How to edit the address, after edit the information what steps you have to take?
O. What are the source documents
P. What is the preview of the screen
Q. How to change the sales tax
R. What is the customise menu or cusotmise reports
S. What is pie graph? Why you need to use?
T. What you need to do when you finishing the session?
U. Is external back up is useful ? If yes why?

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Business Management: What is the data base of vendor why we need to create
Reference No:- TGS03297339

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