
What is the daily breakeven number of customers required

o What challenges does Shelby Givens Face:

o During Phase L (Preparing for the Transformation)

o During Phase 2 (Renovation and Grand Openingi(

o During Phase 3 (701'L12012 Operations)

. By the end of the case, what has Givens done to address the challenges outlined at each stage listed in Quesiion (1) above?

. Which of the actions executed by Givens were most successful in resolving the challenges? Which were least successful? What other options might Givens have p u rsued ?

o ls Sugar Bowl a viable business? Which forces have the most positive, or negative, impact on the business's profitability.

o What is the daily breakeven number of customers required?

o Givens considers two paths for Wednesday night entertainment: league bowling and exclusive brand rights

o Which option will generate more revenue in the short term? Long term?

o ls revenue how success should be measured? Which path'do you think is best for Sugar Bowl and whY?

o How should Givens evaluate the investor's offer to buy the business, and the New York consulting opportunity that's offered to her at the end of the case? Consider both financial and Personal goals.

o Once Sugar Bow's financials are more stable, what changes could Givens make to build a stronger organization and culture?

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Business Management: What is the daily breakeven number of customers required
Reference No:- TGS01074929

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