
What is the cyber security issue that you have from an

Assignment: Guideline- Preparing Your Project Report/Paper

Report/Paper: A project report or research paper presents a research ideas and theory and algorithms in a novel way. It integrates an understanding of an advancement in the field. This document provides some rough guidelines for writing your project proposal and then your final project report or research paper preparation. Note that the project is a significant portion of your grade, so you are expected to devote a reasonable amount of time to it and to the write-up. It is difficult to quantify precisely the total amount of time you should spend on the project and write-up. But it is sure that the reasonable time is not 6-8 hours or a night.

(Note that this is not intended to be a comprehensive guideline, but only as a brief reference point. )

Decide the area/topic that you would like to work on. It may help you for your future endeavour.

(Option A) Real-world Project

(1) Prepare the project proposal. Your project proposal must be typed and should be approximately 1-2 page long, single spaced. The purpose of the proposal is to make sure that you are on the right track and to give me enough information so that I can give you useful feedback.

In your proposal, you should cover the following items:

i. (Tentative) Title and student list: Preliminary title and list of students working on the project (1, 2 or 3 students per project without prior permission from me; 4 or more is possible for very ambitious projects).

ii. (Tentative) Abstract: Similar to the abstract of a paper that will ultimately appear in a research paper. It should be one paragraph long, for now perhaps only 8-12 lines. It should provide a high level summary of your potential project and envisaged output and outline main objective/goal of the research. [see Section (B) for more detail about abstract writing]

iii. (Tentative) Introduction: Briefly description the following:

• What is the cyber security issue that you have from an organization or in your mind, you can write a little bit? What type of project is that, e.g., cryptography, cyber defense, treat and attack detection, anomaly detection, database security, system security related, security forensic, and so on.

• How are thinking to deal with the issue, i.e., the main the idea.

• Description of any previous related project.

• The novelty of the problem.

• What learning tools do you plan to use and what methods (if you don't know it now, write whatever related?

(2) Final Report / Full Project Writeup

The actual write-up of your project report/paper should be roughly 8-20 pages, single spaced, even it can be longer. I suspect that not everyone will wind up doing a presentation of their project, but that will be determined later in the semester. I do expect that a few students will be able to present their results during the last class, so if you want to volunteer-and help your grade-talk to me as we approach the end of classes. The paper need not be organized exactly as described below, but this should be taken as a reasonable template.

(Option B) Research Project

(1) Prepare the research proposal. Your research proposal must be typed and should be approximately 1-3 page long, single spaced. The purpose of the proposal is to make sure that you are on the right track and to give me enough information so that I can give you useful feedback.

In your proposal, you should cover the following items:

i. (Tentative) Title and student list: Preliminary title and list of students working on the project (1, 2 or 3 students per project without prior permission from me; 4 or more is possible for very ambitious projects).

ii. (Tentative) Abstract: Around 150 words. It introduces the potential research work and what you are trying to do. May include some background and summary of your potential work. You may use following order.

- 1 line for the area of interest of the work at a high level.
- 2-4 lines for motivation or shortcoming with the previous work, including the base paper.
- 2-4 lines for the main idea of your work/improvement.
- 2-4 lines for algorithms/approaches you assumed.
- (optional) 1-2 lines for evaluation method and objectives
- 1 lines for results.

iii. (Tentative) Introduction: Briefly description the following:

• What is the cyber security research problem that you have from paper or in your mind, you can write a little bit? What type of problem is that, e.g., cryptography, cyber defense, treat and attack detection, anomaly detection, database security, system security related, security forensic, and so on.

• How are thinking to deal with the problem, i.e., the main the idea.

• Description of any previous related problems or papers.

• The novelty of the problem.

• What learning tools do you plan to use and what methods (if you don't know it now, write whatever related?

(2) Final Paper / Full Paper Writeup

i. Title: Keep the proposed title or make a beautiful title for your work. It should be much different than the existing work so that people may not find the similarity between your report and others. The title should reflect your mind/idea in your report/paper.

ii. Abstract. Around 150 words. It introduces the project and what you are trying to do. May include some background and summary of your work. You may not the following order.

- 1 line for the area of interest of the work at a high level.

- 2-4 lines for motivation or shortcoming with the previous work, including the base paper.
- 2-4 lines for the main idea of your work/improvement.
- 2-4 lines for algorithms/approaches you assumed.
- (optional) 1-2 lines for evaluation method and objectives 1 lines for results.

iii. Introduction. 800~ 1500 words. This is big summary of your report (or a large extension of your abstract).

- 1-3 paragraphs for motivation,

o 1 paragraph for the latest technology of the area of interest of the work at a high level.
o 2-3 paragraphs for the related work, including the base paper and shortcoming of them.

- 1 paragraph for the main idea of your work/improvement. Please provide a BIG PICTURE of your work

- 2-3 paragraphs for algorithms/approaches that you are envisioning to use.

- (optional) 1 small paragraph for evaluation method, results, and shortcoming with your work

- A list of 3 to 5 contributions of your work.

- Organization of your paper: Describe each section of your report: which section you is giving what.

iv. Related work: Describe the most recent related work (8 to 15 papers), with citations to relevant papers.

v. with their ideas, methods/techniques/algorithms, and their shortcomings. When you write the related work section, you can write the previous work in terms of temporal order and technology progress order - e.g. A technique/work was developed first to resolve problem X, however, as it does not resolve Y; another technology/work was developed later on to resolve Y, but it does resolve Z. Therefore, a later technology/work was developed to resolve Z, but it does not resolve.... and so on.

i. Show the merits/demerits of the problem X, Y, Z, etc.

ii. (optional) You may have sub-taxonomy for merits/demerits/features/ benefits/ requirements, etc.

i. (optional) If there is not an obvious temporal or progress trend order, you can report on a set of related technologies/works to give a description of what they do, their strength and weakness, and the gaps they do not fill.

ii. (optional) In addition to text description on those topics above, can you produce a few relevant summary tables on the comparison of the different tools and techniques?

vi. Body of the report

You need several sections in this part. For example,

i. Section 2: Problem statement

Problem formulation or system description Objectives/constraints

ii. Section 3: Particular algorithms that you are assuming to improve/develop and the theory of them

iii. (optional) Section 4: May be another algorithms that you are assuming to improve/develop and the theory of them.

iv. (optional) Section 5: Algorithm analysis or performance analysis, shortcoming of your work.

vii. (optional) Evaluation

If you can develop something, then you may need this section.

i. Summarizes and organizes recent research results in a novel way

ii. What tools can be used and what are the settings

iii. You can compare the performance of the different types of techniques. You need to set the evaluation criteria and metrics that you will be using for comparing the different technologies

viii. Conclusion:

1. What you have done in the report and what are the issues you have covered in the report (similar to a mini version of the abstract), what you could not cover, what can be the future works.

2. References: 15~30 references of good conferences, journals, books, etc.

Careful Note!

1) Everything you write in the report has to be in your own words. All ideas, paraphrases of other people's words must be correctly attributed in the body of the report and in the references.

2) Never directly copy text, a sentence, a paragraph, a figure from other papers. Something you have to write/rewrite, draw/redraw in your own word and in your vision (please note that someone will be OUT of IEEE or ACM communities if you there are complains of coping with evidence!!).

Work Presentation

You may prepare 8-20 slides for your presentation. Note that you can follow your own-style.

1) 1 slide for the title slide (report slide, you id, course name and id, Fall 2016)
2) 1 slide for the outline of your talk/work
3) 2-4 slides for motivation of your work and shortcomings with previous work
4) 1-2 slides for your idea
5) 1-2 slide(s) for the term definitions and problem statement/formulation
6) 6+ slides for the technical discussion of the work (including algorithms/methods)
7) (optional) 2+ slides for the analysis/results
8) 1 slides for the conclusion.

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Dissertation: What is the cyber security issue that you have from an
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