Discuss the below:
Proposal title:
What is the customer perception of Apple products since the loss of Steve Jobs among people aged 18-25?
The Business Research Project covering these areas:
The background of the proposal (this should indicate your academic interest and your practical and realistic access to your data)
The research question or hypotheses
A preliminary literature review (List the key academic theories and writers properly referenced)
Methodology & sources of data (this should explain the methods you plan to use and why these will find answers to your questions/ test your hypotheses)
Anticipated outcomes (Explain what you think will be the result of your research)
Potential ethical issues (This should include a self-assessment that this proposal meets ethical approval guidelines.)
Bibliography (Not included in word-count)
Appendix: Ethical approval form (Not included in word-count). Ethics form must also be signed and handed in as hard copy for approval.
(Convenience sampling)
British English
Make sure it gets less than 25% similarity.