
What is the current monthly average value for mauna loa


The purpose of this assignment is to review accessible data and information about greenhouse gases (particularly CO2 ) concentrations in our atmosphere-gasses that trap heat. To understand what drives climate change, we need to first look at the mechanisms behind a warming planet.

We learned that recent global climate change is the result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels. In turn, these gases trap heat (longwave infrared radiation) in our atmosphere. Remember that this greenhouse effect is a natural process, however, it is the increasing human activities that are enhancing this process.

Questions to answer: Go to Mauna Loa observatory website.

Click on "Products", then select "Trends in CO2 , CH4 , N2O, SF6 " and answer the following questions:

1. What is the current monthly average value for Mauna Loa CO2?*

2. What was the monthly average value for Mauna Loa CO2 in the previous year?

3. Observe the full record of Mauna Loa atmospheric CO2 graph to the right. Has CO2 risen since 1958 (the year monitoring of CO2 began)?

4. Why is there a yearly fluctuation of CO2 (hint: seasons. What are the trees doing? And when?)?

Explain. e. Explore this MLO website and write down four other interesting facts about the science going on there.

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History: What is the current monthly average value for mauna loa
Reference No:- TGS03229704

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