
What is the current market value of this corporation

Razz Corporation's common stock is currently selling on a stock exchange at $170 per share, and its current balance sheet shows the following stockholders' equity section:
Preferred stock, 5% cumulative $___ par value, 1000 shares
authorized, issued, and outstanding $ 100,000

Common stock, $___ par value, 4,000 shares authorized, issued,
and outstanding 160,000

Retained earnings 300,000

Total stockholders' equity $560,000


1. What is the current market value (price) of this corporation's common stock?
2. What are the par values of the corporation's preferred stock and its common stock?
3. If no dividends are in arrears, what are the book values per share of the preferred stock and the common stock?
4. If two years' preferred dividends are in arrears, what are the book values per share of the preferred stock and the common stock?
5. If two years' preferred dividends are in arrears and the preferred stock is callable at $110 per share, what are the book values per share of the preferred stock and the common stock?
6. If two years' preferred dividends are in arrears and the board of directors declares cash dividends of $20,000 what total amount will be paid to the preferred and to the common shareholders? What is the amount of dividends per share for the common stock?
7. What are some factors that can contribute to a difference between the book value of common stock and its market value (price)?

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Accounting Basics: What is the current market value of this corporation
Reference No:- TGS0710222

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