1. An electric potential has the following functional form...
V (x, y,z) = x3 yz + 3xyz 2 + xy2Z3 Determine the electric field.
2. Discuss and compare the change in Electric Potential Energy with the change in Gravitational Potential Energy.
3. What is the Drift Velocity of a mobile charge carrier?
4. (lOpts) The electric potential at point B in the parallel plate capacitor shown is less than the electric potential at point A by 940 V. The separation between the points A and B is 0.1 cm, and the separation between the plates is 3.0 cm. What is the work done by the field to move a proton from the positive to the negative plate of the capacitor?

5. Consider the concept of drift velocity. If charge carriers move in a conductor with a drift velocity, vd, in a time At, arrive at an expression for the current in terms of the charge, the drift velocity, and the cross sectional area.
6. In a certain region of space the electric potential, V, is known to be a constant. The electric field in this region is zero. Explain why this is so.
7. In the definition for the electric field we divide the force generated by the test charge. This is
also done in the definition of the electric potential, V. Explain why this is so.
8. What is the current density, J, and how is its role in determining whether a material is Ohmic
or not?
9. The electric field for a cylindrical capacitor is given by it Arrive at an expression for the capacitance.
10. A dielectric is an insulating material. When placed between the plates of a capacitor it serves to increase the amount of energy that can be stored. Explain why this is so?
11. For the circuit shown ...

a. Find the current in each resistor.
b. Calculate the power dissipated by each resistor.
c. Find the total power dissipated by the three resistors
12. What is the charge on each capacitor?

13. Assumin that each of the resistors shown in the figure carries with it a value of R, what is the equivalent resistance for the circuit shown?

14. What is the current in branch I'?

15. The three light bulbs shown all posses a resistance of 2 Ohms.

a. What is the power rating of each bulb given a 9 volt battery?
b. Which bulb produces more light?
16. Apply Kirchoffs rules to the circuit below to obtain the equations needed to solve for the currents through each of the components.