What is the cross rate between the yen and the peso that is

1. At today's spot exchange rates 1 U.S. dollar can be exchanged for 9 Mexican pesos or for 111.23 Japanese yen. You have pesos that you would like to exchange for yen. What is the cross rate between the yen and the peso; that is, how many yen would you receive for every peso exchanged?

2. The nominal yield on 6-monthT-bills is 7%, while default-free Japanese bonds that mature in 6 months have a nominal rate of 5.5%. In the spot exchange market, 1 yen equals $0.009. If interest rate parity holds, what is the 6-month forward exchange rate?

3. A computer costs $500 in the United States. The same model costs 550 euros in France. If purchasing power parity holds, what is the spot exchange rate between the euro and the dollar?

4. If euros sell for $1.50 (U.S.) per euro, what should dollars sell for in euros per dollar?

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Business Management: What is the cross rate between the yen and the peso that is
Reference No:- TGS02251396

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