Pre-Clinical Work:
(Pre-clinical work is your "ticket" into clinical; the below section must be filled out before coming to clinical)
Please research the Ethical Principles below;
1. Beneficence
2. Autonomy
3. Justice
4. Fidelity
5. Veracity
In-Clinical Assignment:
In-Clinical Assignment
Write a reflection on Ethical Considerations when caring for a psychiatric patient.
• Ask a nurse about involuntary admissions.
o What is the criteria for involuntary admissions
o What is the number of physicians required to certify that the pt's condition requires commitment?
o Can the pt request a legal review of the admission?
o What is the total number of days a pt can be placed on an involuntary admission before a provider and legal team need to review the admission?
o Based on your findings, what are your thoughts regarding involuntary admission?
• Ask a nurse about Client Rights regarding Seclusion and Restraint
o How often are patients placed in seclusion/restraints?
o When is it appropriate to put a pt in seclusion? When is it inappropriate?
o What are the nurse's responsibilities when the pt is in seclusion/restraints?
o Based on your findings, do you think seclusion and restraints are ethical?
• It is essential that nurses document information related to violent and unusual episodes. What should this documentation cover? (hint-pt,staff, time)
• One minute care plan
Post-Clinical Discussion
• Nursing interventions to manage behaviors before applying mechanical restraints.
• Did you notice any unethical behaviors today? What makes you think they were unethical?