
What is the coupon rate and duration for the us treasury 10

Instructions: Use Bloomberg or Factset to help with the following ques- tions. Either obtain screenshots from Bloomberg or Factset, or briefly explain how you would do each problem. (Prefer Screenshot)

1. Obtain a quote for both the US Treasury 1 year bill AND the US Treasury 10 year bond. After obtaining the quotes, convert both to dollars and cents. Include the time when you obtained the quotes.

2. Obtain the 1 year historical chart for the US Treasury 10 year bond.

3. What is the coupon rate and duration for the US Treasury 10 year bond?

4. Obtain the yield curve for any non-US country of interest.

5. Describe all bonds offered by Google (face value, maturity, and coupon rate and frequency).

6. Find a bond with maturity before 2027, coupon rate greater than 3%, and duration between 5 − 7 years.

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Financial Management: What is the coupon rate and duration for the us treasury 10
Reference No:- TGS02709725

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