
What is the cost per additional year of life gained what

Patient BN is a 36- year-old woman with type of organ failure that reduces her quality of life to half of what it would be in good health. Without treatment she can expect to live only two years. With succesful transplant, BN can expect to live four years and have a quality of life that is near (80 %) what she would enjoy in good health. However, the transplant costs $100,00, plus $10,000 each year for drugs and follow-up care, and it carries a 15 percent risk of rejection resulting in immediate death. What is the cost per additional year of life gained (without discounting for time or quality of life)? What is the cost per discounted QALY gained (assuming a 5 % time discounted rate)?

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Financial Management: What is the cost per additional year of life gained what
Reference No:- TGS02291020

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