
What is the cost of this fuel

1.Using the information given above, calculate the optimum tails assay. Plot the cost of fuel as a function of tails assay.

2.Consider reenrichment of high assay tails in the form of UF6 to a natural uranium equivalent product . Assuming a fixed price for conversion of natural uranium, develop and equation and find the price of natural uranium above which this approach would be competitive given the cost of reenrichment. Assume the secondary tails assay of 0.15% and assume the high assay tails are free but a fixed handling cost of $5/kg and ignore losses. How much of this high assay depleted uranium would be needed to supply the natural uranium equivalent for the US for one year?

3.Approximately how much electricity is generated from nuclear power each year in the US? Given the average fuel burnup above, calculate a yearly average demand for reactor fuel and SWU for the US. What is the cost of this fuel? If the entire enrichment capacity were to be derived from centrifuge machines with a capacity of 45kgSWU/yr, how many machines would be required? What would be the energy requirement for this enrichment per kg of fuel and yearly total required? What is the energy input for enrichment  as a fraction of the electricity generated by the fuel produced?

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Physics: What is the cost of this fuel
Reference No:- TGS0528949

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