
What is the cost of managing this disease in county you live


A. Identifying a chronic health condition listed on the CMS website. *PMHNP students should select a population focused chronic condition (i.e., Depression, Schizophrenia, Psychotic Disorders, etc. from this list).

B. Description of the health issue chosen from the CMS website.

C. The incidence and prevalence of this condition in the US.

D. How the condition is diagnosed, monitored, and treated in individuals with this condition?

E. Description of the interdisciplinary team that will participate in coordinating care. Specifically, define the role of the APRN in management and coordination.

F. Can care teams use the CCCR model? Think in terms of systems and complexity reflective thinking. If not, name another model to help manage care?

G. What is the cost of managing this disease in the county you live? Download the CMS Excel to determine the cost of the condition in context to the state and county. Use the CMS: Spending County Level: All Beneficiaries, 2007-2018 (ZIP).

H. What resources are available to help manage the costs of care related to this condition?

I. Identify barriers or challenges that you foresee for patients and care teams. How can barriers be overcome?

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Reference No:- TGS03324892

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