What is the correct legal citation?
Identify what is wrong (if anything) with the following citations. For your information, we have indicated the number of errors for each citation. Remember: spacing counts!
Brownstein v. Morris, 203 N.Y.S.2d 465 (N.Y. App. Div. 4th Dep’t 1990). [1 error]
The applicable standard is gross negligence. Smith v. Jones, 918 S.W. 2d 222, 224 (Mo. 1997) [1 error]
The evidentiary standard is one of gross negligence. Missouri Rev. Stat. §232.12 (1986); See Smith v. Jones, 218 S.W.3d 222, 224 (Mo. 2005) Huffy v. Carmichael, 846 S.W.2d 333, 345 (Mo. 1987). [4 errors]
The Illinois Dog Bite Statute, 510 Ill. Comp. Stats. Section 5/16 (Smith Hurd 1996); defines a dog-owner’s liability for a dog bite. [3 errors]
Dog bite liability requires a lack of provocation, See Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 123 (1996); Norton v. Cramden, 354 Ky. 268, 270 (1946); Eckert v. Triesberger, 210 Ky. App. Rptr. 207 (Ky. App. 1965), but provocation can be offset if the dog is a hunting dog, Eckert, Id., or a dog trained to kill. Norton, Id. [8 errors]
The Erie doctrine confuses the issue of choice of law. Mast v. John, 75 Iowa 23, 24 (1988); see also Hill v. Willy, 866 P.2nd 433, 444 (OK. 1978 (discussing fact that Erie confuses most issues of conflict of laws, including forum selection.). [4 errors]