
What is the conversion - smaller catalyst particles are

1. The elementary reaction A → B ↔ C is carried out isothermally at constant volume. The initial charge to the reactor is (CA0 + CB0) where CB0 has the value of the equilibrium concentration (CB0)eq, at time t = ∞ and at which CA0 = 0. Thus, B starts and ends with the same concentration.

(a) What is the value of CB0 IN TERMS OF REACTION RATE CONSTANTS AND C in order for the concentration of B to be the same at the beginning and end of the reaction,

(b) What is the condition relating the rate constants if CB were to remain a constant throughout the course of the reaction? Consider k1,and k2 to be the sequence of forward rate constants, and k3 to be the single reverse rate constant.

2. The reaction A → B + C is carried out in a packed bed reactor at 10 atm pressure with large catalyst particles(and thus negligible pressure drop) at a flow of 0.1 mol/s. The feed concentration is 10 mol/dm. The rate constant is 0.1111dm3s-1kg-1 at the at the reaction temperature.

(a) What is the conversion?

(b)Smaller catalyst particles are used such that the pressure drop becomes significant and can be modeled by the expression

d(P/Po)/dW = α(1 + ∈X)/2(P/P0)

where alpha is 0.0011, what is the conversion and exit pressured this PBR?

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Mechanical Engineering: What is the conversion - smaller catalyst particles are
Reference No:- TGS01280239

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