
What is the conversation you are joining what is the issue

The Research Paper

Your essay should be 9-10 pages long and conform to MLA format in terms of font size, margins, citations, etc.

Topic for this Essay:

The effects of Standardized test on teachers and students (elementary schools) Focus on one state.

This paper needs to include at LEAST six, valid, academic sources and be 9-10 pages long (that does not mean 8 1⁄2!) not including the works cited page.

Formulate a thesis which answers the question and takes a stand on the issue, and produce an annotated bibliography with the 6 academic sources. Each source will have a paragraph (annotation) which explains the authority of the source and how it helps to answer the original question, or support the thesis.

Some things to keep in mind:

1. What is the conversation you are joining? What is the issue being debated/discussed? What are the different sides a person might take in this debate?

2. What is your thesis (i.e. what is your argument)?

3. Do you remind your audience what your thesis is in the body of your essay? Do you provide examples, quotes and reasons to support your thesis?

4. Why is this topic important? Do you state this somewhere in your paper? If not, where can you add this information?

Remember annotation and work cited are not included in your 9-10 pages

Citing Sources, Avoiding Plagiarism

When you take notes, you must be meticulous in summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting in order to avoid plagiarism. Make sure that when you use words and ideas from other sources that you quote and cite the sources correctly. Your essay must also have a Works Cited page.

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Other Subject: What is the conversation you are joining what is the issue
Reference No:- TGS02148546

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